Dear Horned Frogs,
As part of the celebration of el Dia de Los Muertos, Dr. Santiago Pinon’s Christian Ethics class prepared a special exhibit in Beasley Hall with ofrendas (altars) that honor and remember the lives of the deceased (exhibit runs now till Friday morning, Nov. 3). This year, the projects focus on people with disabilities. The ofrendas are beautiful and detailed, showing respect and appreciation for the departed. This is the seventh year that the class has organized this exhibit.
One of the ofrendas that really touched me was the one dedicated to Wes Smith. Wes was a bright and kind person, an engaged student, and he inspired many people with his leadership and optimism. His ofrenda features some of his favorite things and post-it notes, if students, faculty, staff and/or friends would like to write a message. Also on the table are resource cards for students, including how to reach TCU’s Counseling & Mental Health Center. If you or a student you know are grieving, please reach out.
The door to the Department of Religion in Beasley Hall reads, “Major in Meaning” – a simple yet profound point that can’t be mistaken. All lives have meaning and purpose. Our job is to understand what ours is and to live out our values. I’m proud that our students are learning the importance of remembering the lives of our loved ones and the people who have come before us that shape who we are today.
Lead On, Horned Frogs,
Daniel W. Pullin