Summer at TCU is about connecting with our incoming Horned Frogs and their families.
One of the best things about our Texas Christian University campus culture is how people connect, build community and develop lasting relationships. Any current student or alum will tell you that the people of TCU are the key to making our campus feel like home and creating the incredible experiences and opportunities that make TCU students among the happiest in the nation.
It starts at the very beginning of a new student’s TCU journey. During the summer months, TCU staff are busy on campus and on the road, connecting incoming students and their families with TCU and each other– and setting the stage for a successful collegiate experience. I attended a few of these events recently, and wow—they are powerful. I’m grateful for the energy, purpose, and care TCU staff put into creating meaningful opportunities for our new Horned Frogs to prepare for campus.
“We Are the Horned Frogs” – Nashville Version
At Frog Camp in Nashville, any nervousness about line dancing with future classmates was quickly turned into smiles and laughter by camp facilitators and leaders. Together, we wrote – and sang – a country music song aptly titled “We Are the Horned Frogs.” In between that, a ropes course and sightseeing, there was plenty of time to get to know one another, learn about each other’s background, find similarities and, ultimately, spark friendships that will last a lifetime. (See the bottom of this post for the full lyrics).
Send-Off Party in Denver
After Frog Camp, I headed to a send-off party in Denver. Send-off parties are a TCU tradition nearly as old as Frog Camp, which celebrates 30 years in 2024. The events provide an opportunity for incoming students and their families to learn about helpful resources and get to know other Horned Frog families from their hometown before the college journey begins. They are facilitated by University Advancement and hosted by local families in about ten cities across the United States.
The Mankus family hosted the Denver party. Their daughter, Sophia, shared words of wisdom with the new TCU families – including one I thought was really a great point and excellent advice: when you are hanging out in your dorm room with your roommates, keep your door open so you can meet new people – often, students on your floor will pop in to say hi!
Speaking of keeping your door open, I invite you to stop by the Office of the Chancellor and President and say hello. You can also connect through my Share Your Idea button below or email,
Thank you to all the Horned Frogs who are working hard this summer to connect our community. We can’t wait to see everyone on campus soon.
Go Frogs!
Daniel W. Pullin

“We Are the Horned Frogs” lyrics (to the tune of “Jackson” by Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash)
We came to Music City from Fort Worth
To have a little Nashville fun
Now here we are looking for stars
And baking in the summer sun
We are the horned frogs
And we may be brand new
But we are the horn(ed) frogs
The horned frogs of TCU
We stayed at the Hilton by the river
Heard music playing all night long
Saw Vince Gill singing at the opry
And all of us sang along
This camp has brought us closer together
As we enter our freshman year
These memories will last forever
Our bond will go beyond right here
We are the horn(ed) frogs
And we may be brand new
But we are the horn(ed) frogs
The horn(ed) frogs of TCU
Let’s all cheer Riff, Ram, Bah, Zoo