Gameday Ready

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Hi Horned Frogs,

Who’s ready for football!?

One outstanding Horned Frog team that is definitely ready is TCU’s nationally acclaimed athletic field staff team.

Sports Turf Manager Andrew Siegal invited me to help paint the end zones before Saturday’s home game. This is just the finishing touch on a year-round process to keep our natural turf sports fields in top shape for our student-athletes. If you’re curious about the work behind the scenes, read more in The Art of Keeping TCU Turf Game-Ready on TCU News.

The nation’s premier Sports Field Managers Association selected TCU’s Moncrief Field as the nation’s College Football Field of the Year in 2021. They also selected the Garvy-Rosenthal Soccer Field as the nation’s College Soccer Field of the Year in 2021 and Williams-Reilly Field as the nation’s College Baseball Field of the Year in 2022. This is a result of the hard work and dedication of our TCU Athletic Field Staff. Our beautiful, world-class natural grass fields are critical to athletes’ safety and performance and showcase TCU’s commitment to excellence.

Lead On, TCU Athletic Field Staff. We thank you for your service – you bring great pride to all Horned Frogs.

Go Frogs!

Daniel W. Pullin


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