Lead On, TCU Parents

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Hi Horned Frogs,

It was great to see so many families on campus for TCU Family Weekend. Over 13,000 family members joined us as we highlighted the student experience and celebrated their support of TCU students. And a win for Horned Frogs football was the icing on the cake!

We are grateful to all TCU families for entrusting us with their student’s education. The Princeton Review ranks TCU in the top 20 nationally in 12 categories ranging from Happiest Students and Best Health Services to Best College Library and Best Career Services. We are dedicated to student success and developing an academic and student experience where all Horned Frogs thrive.

TCU Parent & Family Council

A select group of current parents met on campus last week, and I had the pleasure of visiting with them. The TCU Parent & Family Council is a group of volunteers who serve as TCU ambassadors, advocate for the needs of TCU families and provide a sounding board for the Office of New Student & Family Programs. By providing their input, the council helps all TCU faculty and staff better support our students’ success.  

Thank you, TCU Parent & Family Council, for generously giving your time and input so we may better support our students. Your ideas and feedback help us innovate and create one of the most outstanding student experiences in the country.

We hope all parents, families, students, alumni, faculty and staff had a great time during TCU Family Weekend and look forward to seeing everyone back on campus soon.

Go Frogs!

Daniel W. Pullin


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