150 Years of Leaders

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Dear Horned Frogs,

For 150 years, Texas Christian University has been impacted and shaped by visionary leaders. As we look to the future, we’d be remiss not to pause and reflect on their tremendous impact – both past and present. A Hope of Wisdom, a special 150th publication from TCU Press, is an opportunity to do just that. The collection of three essays on education includes Joseph Addison Clark (1873), father of TCU’s founders Addison and Randolph Clark; James M. Moudy, TCU Chancellor in 1973, the university’s centennial year; and our very own present-day Chancellor, Victor J. Boschini, Jr. 

In his essay, “What is a TCU education?” Chancellor Boschini writes:

“I delight in encouraging a student with an idea and watching that idea come to fruition in one form or another. This is what fulfills and motivates me as an educator, and this is what is best about a TCU education.”

Encouraging students and their ideas and then seeing those ideas develop into new innovations is a hallmark of the TCU experience. Since our founding, we have been dreamers and innovators. TCU was one of the first universities west of the Mississippi to educate both men and women. Today, our faculty, staff and students continue to innovate and build on our community where everyone has a seat at the table.

It comes as no surprise that Chancellor Boschini would reflect on the student-mentor experience and idea generation in his essay. One thing about his leadership that I admire most is that at every turn, doing what is best for our students remains his focus and guide. This year, he begins his 21st year as Chancellor. From buildings and grounds to our unique culture of connection and thriving academic and creative activities, his steady leadership has helped transform our University. I invite you to learn more about Chancellor Boschini and other TCU leaders in the video series “TCU Presents: 150 Years of Leadership.”

The three essays in A Hope of Wisdom are just a sampling of the tremendous leadership over the last 150 years that has developed the TCU experience. Whether through a formal leadership title or the daily actions of our students, faculty, staff and alumni, TCU is a top-tier, values-centered national university today because of our community. 

May the essays remind us to keep learning from the past and striving to be better in the present, knowing that our daily actions impact our future.

Lead On, TCU!

Daniel W. Pullin


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*As part of our 150th year, TCU Press is publishing a variety of commemorative books:

I hope you have the chance to read them all. I recently had the opportunity to visit the TCU Press team and will share more about their impact in an upcoming blog.

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