Start Strong: 3 Ways to Lead On

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Dear Horned Frogs,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 academic year at Texas Christian University! Whether you are returning to campus or a new community member, we are so glad you are here.

I hope you all feel refreshed, recharged and ready for another exciting semester. I’m impressed by your stories from summer internships, Frog Campstudy abroadOrientation and athletic victories.

The optimism, creativity and innovation of Horned Frogs inspires me daily. I am honored to serve as your President, working alongside Chancellor Boschini and TCU’s outstanding leadership team to advance our University. Together, we have a shared vision and enthusiasm for the next 150 years of TCU.

As we plan for the future, our mission “to educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community” remains our driving force. We are committed to academic excellence and providing the best overall student experience in the country. For 150 years, we have been developing leaders who shape and improve the world, and we’ll keep doing it for the next 150.  

Our tradition of excellence and the tremendous responsibility of developing ethical leaders renews daily and starts with each of us. Becoming a leader isn’t about gaining a new title; it is a behavior that grows over time. 

As President, and as Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, here are three ways I encourage you to grow as a leader and make the most of this fall at TCU:

1)   Go first. Start building relationships by introducing yourself to the person living down the hall, sitting next to you in class or working in your building. Students, reach out to your professors; get to know them and ask questions in class. Meeting new people and understanding their backgrounds will help you become more connected and empathetic. Go first, step out and grow your network of friendships and mentors that will last a lifetime. 

2)   Get involved. There are so many fantastic ways to get involved at TCU. Our campus experience is designed to immerse students in our culture and create opportunities to grow, learn, serve others and have fun. TCU Engage has everything students need to find student organizations and attend campus events. The main TCU events calendar holds the key to everything students, faculty and staff need to know to get involved with other Horned Frogs. Pick something new that interests you and give it a try!

3)   Explore. If you are an avid sports fan, don’t miss Saturdays at the Carter, and also challenge yourself to broaden your perspectives by attending a fine arts event in places like the world-class Van Cliburn Concert Hall at TCU. If you’re not sure football is your thing, go anyway. You just might find yourself singing Riff Ram Bah Zoo at the top of your lungs with 46,000 new friends! Exploring new perspectives also includes learning to be a good listener, respecting the right of others to have and express their own opinions, and learning to engage in – and appreciate – civil discourse. 

Start the semester strong, Horned Frogs. The actions we take today will define the next 150 years. 

Lead On, TCU!

Daniel W. Pullin

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